Bridal Veil Falls: A Spectacular Natural Wonder in Utah’s Provo Canyon

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Nestled in the scenic Provo Canyon, Bridal Veil Falls is one of Utah’s most beloved natural attractions. This majestic waterfall is easily accessible, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists seeking a picturesque escape into nature. Whether you are planning a family outing, a romantic picnic, or a solo adventure, Bridal Veil Falls offers a refreshing and awe-inspiring experience. Here’s everything you need to know about visiting this stunning site.

The Beauty of Bridal Veil Falls
Bridal Veil Falls is a double cataract waterfall that cascades over 600 feet in two main tiers. From a distance, the waterfall resembles a bride’s veil, which accounts for its poetic name. Located along the Provo River, the falls are fed by snowmelt and natural springs from the surrounding Wasatch Mountains, ensuring a robust flow throughout most of the year, though they are particularly spectacular in the late spring and early summer.

Getting There
Bridal Veil Falls is located off US Highway 189 in Provo Canyon, about 15 minutes from Provo and less than an hour’s drive from Salt Lake City. The falls have a dedicated parking lot and are accessible via a paved pathway that makes it easy for visitors of all ages and abilities to enjoy the view. The proximity of the highway and minimal walking required make Bridal Veil Falls an ideal stop for those with limited time or mobility.

Activities at Bridal Veil Falls
Hiking and Walking: For those who wish to explore more, a network of trails offers various viewpoints of the falls and the surrounding canyon. The main trail to the base of the falls is gentle and wheelchair accessible.

Picnicking: Several picnic tables are available near the parking area, providing a perfect spot to enjoy a meal with a view. The sound of the waterfall adds a serene backdrop to any picnic.

Photography: The falls and the canyon are a photographer’s paradise, particularly in the fall when the foliage adds brilliant colors to the landscape.

Scenic Tram Ride (Seasonal): In the past, a tram allowed visitors to view the falls from above, although it has been out of operation due to damage. There are discussions about restoring this feature, which would offer stunning aerial views of the waterfall and canyon.

Tips for Visiting
Best Time to Visit: Early morning or late afternoon are the best times to visit Bridal Veil Falls to avoid crowds and to catch the best light for photographs.

Safety: While the area around Bridal Veil Falls is generally safe, the rocks near the water can be slippery, so appropriate footwear should be worn, and children should be watched closely.

Seasonal Considerations: While the falls are accessible year-round, spring and early summer offer the most impressive views due to the higher water volume. Winter turns the falls into a frozen wonderland suitable for ice climbing.

Conservation Efforts
Bridal Veil Falls is a protected area, and visitors are encouraged to help preserve its beauty by adhering to Leave No Trace principles. This includes packing out all trash, staying on designated trails, and not removing any natural objects or vegetation.

Bridal Veil Falls is not just a testament to Utah’s geological beauty but also a reminder of nature’s power to inspire and rejuvenate. Whether you’re visiting for a quick photo or planning to linger and enjoy the natural environment, Bridal Veil Falls provides a peaceful, picturesque setting ideal for making lasting memories.


Visiting Bridal Veil Falls offers an easy, enjoyable way to experience one of Utah’s iconic natural landmarks, perfect for a refreshing day trip or a scenic stop on a longer journey through the beautiful Provo Canyon.

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